The North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance has recently approved revisions to the Homeowners line of business

The North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance has recently approved revisions to the Homeowners line of business. This was initiated by the North Carolina Department of Insurance, and all North Carolina Homeowners insurance markets are responsible for putting these rate increases in place. The higher premiums impact the Amount of Insurance (AOI) relativity factors, Protection/Construction relativity factors, base rates, wind mitigation credits, and wind exclusion credits. These revisions will be effective April 1, 2018, for both New Business and Renewal policies.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at 910-591-1010 or contact us.

North Carolina Department of Insurance 855-408-1212

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Universal Insurance CompanyThe HartfordLLOYD’SNational GeneralScottsdale Insurance CompanyHanover Excess & Surplus, Inc.